Karen Croal
Submission from: Karen Croal
Business: Student - Salisbury North, SA
Item: Etched Sterling Silver Ring with Flush Set Iolite Gemstone
Sterling silver ring has an etched anemone flower feature, it has a 2mm iolite gemstone that has been flush set in the center of the flower. The flower was designed as part of my student exhibition in November 2018. It was originally a design for etched bowls. I shrunk the design and have applied it to ring making. The feature was etched using ferric nitrate, pierced out and then soldered to my handmade ring shank. The rig was finished and polished. The gem was then flush set and a final polish given.
AJSProducts used: Solder board and tweezers, Vallorbe needle file set and saw blades, twist drill, ball burr (Busch) and cone burr (Maillefer Q). Polishing mops (Hatho mounted cotton 25mm)